After COVID struck in March 2020, we wanted to help our Learn and Earn Graduates and OEF
Staff to launch their own businesses.
We launched the Start Your Own Business (SYOB) course and enrolled 15 candidates.
Of those 15 candidates, 8 were able to prepare their business plans for funding.
The “Seed to Succeed” event provided an opportunity for our participants to showcase and pitch their business plans in front of a panel of judges.
They were judged on multiple criteria such as viability of their product or service, their market research, and financial feasibility.
Five candidates succeeded in convincing our panel of their business plan viability and were awarded small grants ranging from $2-$5k to get their business going. A condition for the grant was that they became a member of the One Eleuthera Cooperative Credit Union (OECCUL).
Those applicants that do not make it through this round, were given further help to develop their business plans for the next event.